For Those Who Hate Classical: Street Musicians Play Popular Music

Here we have street musicians playing popular music.

Now, these aren’t the ragged “street musicians” you find slumped on the streets of Portland. No, these are classically trained musicians from the Orquestra Simfònica Del Vallès (Symphony Orchestra of the Valley), and they are playing on the streets of Sabadell, Spain, a town about 15 miles northwest of Barcelona. So they are street musicians. Sort of…

And the music has been enduringly popular since it was first performed 193 years ago. YouTube videos of this performance have had around one hundred ten million views since this original was posted five years ago.

So yes, street musicians playing popular music.

Okay, it’s true, it’s classical music. It’s from the fourth and last movement of Beethoven’s last symphony, the Ninth, first performed in 1824. But who could not like this? A hundred million YouTube viewers can’t be wrong, right?

Since you survived listening to classical music, I have to say “But wait! There’s more! Today I’m throwing in a free bonus!” Here are five interesting take-aways from this video:

1) Kids are pretty much the same anyplace you go, climbing on things they shouldn’t, generally lacking any sense of rhythm, and latching onto great melodies. Continue reading “For Those Who Hate Classical: Street Musicians Play Popular Music”